Server Status
10/14/21 Updated 12:00 AM EST
Our servers are operating smoothly. Live TV and Video on Demand (VOD) services are operational and functioning.
Thank you for your patience.
10/13/21 Updated 7:30 PM EST
Server Outage
We are currently facing a server disruption. Our IT department is looking into this situation. We will provide our customers with any updates as soon as updates are provided to our team. If you have not subscribed to our e-mail, please consider doing so as you will be notified with updates as we receive them.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
10/01/21 Updated 12:00 AM EST
Our servers are operating smoothly. Live TV and Video on Demand (VOD) services are operational and functioning.
Go on, enjoy your shows!
If you are experiencing anything outside this scope please submit a technical support ticket at